Welcome Friends

I wanted to first Create a Post that says WELCOME, I'm absolutely Elated you are here! I have big hopes that this blog will be a resource for all my clients with helpful tips and tricks as long as some unique content I will be sharing in regards to my business and shoots. (grammar police not welcome because I already know i'm terrible SOOOOOOO it is what it is lol 😂)
With that being said I wanted to ask you a few questions so PLEASE comment on this post and give me some feedback!!
what are some helpful blog posts I can give to seniors and or their parents to help prepare them best?
what are some content ideas you'd love to see from me here?
What in regards to my business would you like me to write about ?? it can be business tips, posing, lighting? anything photography related you'd like to see from me here?
Anything else you think I should include here?
I can Not wait for this new year...and I can not wait to hear from you ALL!